In my last post I mentioned that sometimes people save their hard work (on decorations) and share it with other churches. We benefited from several of these churches this year, but there was one special person who helped my husband out tremendously by providing the stage decorations. Not only did he allow us to use his hard work, he came out to the church twice to help Ronnie set it all up (or more accurately, for Ronnie to help him set it up!) and, now that we are done, he came back again and took it all down.
Some of you know him ... his wife is both a blogging and a real life friend of mine ... so Rie, please thank your "He's too good to me" for being so nice to us.
We truly appreciate it!
By the way, we'll try to come up with something else he can help us with, just so you can have Burger King! ;-)
Now on to the unexpected blessing. I am finding it hard to find words to express this one. Last Thursday night, at the end of our VBS Family Night, our friend Brad informed Ronnie that he had a couple of presentations to make. We knew about the first one. Brad is our missions teacher and he gave a very cool prize to the children who brought the most supplies for the mission project ~ Operation Christmas Child.
The second presentation was a complete shock to me and left my husband speechless ... which was apparently what they were going for.
When Ronnie finally composed himself enough to speak, he read a gift certificate giving him an all expense paid trip on the mission trip to Kodiak, Alaska next year. Wow! He has always wanted to go and now he will be going. What a blessing!
So, I know what Ronnie will be doing next year on Memorial Day ... I guess the kids and I will be looking for something to do with ourselves!
Thank you Brad (and Amy) for your part in this and even though I don't think any of you read this, thank you, Crossview, for blessing my husband (and me) in such an unexpected way!
What a blessing! My children and I have been on the receiving end of an expenses paid mission trip and loved it (we went to Prince Edward Island, Canada). I know that Ronnie's life and his ministry will be blessed because of this opportunity!
Ain't friends great! The sets were beautiful for VBS! they did a wonderful job.
He would say you are welcome and he enjoyed it. Thanks for the opportunity for Burger King, too.
Send congratulations to Ronnie for us, I'm sure he deserves it. What a special gift.
This is all so great!!! There is always a rich blessing for those involved so heavily in these things. Sounds like y'all were extra-richly blessed!!!
We'll have to get together while our hubbies are in Alaska. Then one year we'll go and leave THEM home with the kids!
How awesome! Don't you love it when God surprises you?!
Hey Jennifer, Since I do read your blog and I am from Crossview I'll tell you what I think, I believe this is a well deserved blessing for many many reasons but most of all because Ronnie Loves the Lord,his church,and his family and I know he has a big heart even though he thinks I just have 1/2 of a heart. Hope he has a wonderful time and many blessing to him and you too.
Oops ... Sorry, Peggy! I do know that you read my blog, but I think you and Amy are the only ones from the church! Thanks for the kind words and I'll make sure Ronnie sees them ... maybe he'll feel guilty for always picking on you! ;-)
How wonderful!! I hope it's a really great trip!
I've passed on a blog award to you - it's posted on my blog. Did you know your blog was the first blog I followed??
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