This is Bible School week. Usually it is one of my favorite weeks of the year, but this one has been different.
Last night (Monday - day 2 for us) our Bible verse was 1 Peter 5:7 ... Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.
I spent several minutes explaining the verse to my class of 1st and 2nd graders. Once I felt sure that they understood the meaning of the words, I told them to imagine that they were standing on the edge of a deep canyon. Then we listed things that they struggle with ... getting along with brothers/sisters, obeying parents, learning multiplication facts, helping with a new baby brother ... to name just a few. Finally, I took that list and threw it into the canyon.
Because I wanted them to fully understand (at least to the best of my ability to explain and their ability to visualize) the fact that God wants us to literally throw all of our problems on Him and allow Him to handle them for us.
I hope they got it.
Because, apparently I didn't.
I spent all day today stewing about a perceived problem ... a problem that I cannot change. The decision has been made and the course is set. And what's more, very few others, if any, even see it as a problem ... actually, most everyone I know seems to be very satisfied with the decision.
So, why is it such a problem for me?
The truth is, it doesn't even matter.
What does matter is that I have allowed the enemy into my life ...
to steal my joy in teaching VBS,
to kill my effectiveness as a witness for Christ,
to destroy God's plans for me this week.
The question still remains; perhaps someday we will know if the decision that was made was the right one.
Or maybe we won't.
Maybe the day will come when I am able to voice why this has bothered me so much.
Or maybe it won't.
I cannot predict how things will play out in this situation. Undoubtedly, the plan will go on and soon my struggles will fade into the background.
I cannot change anything or anyone but myself. With that in mind, I am claiming the scripture that I so desperately wanted the kids to understand at a tender age and throwing my struggles into the deep canyon of God's love for me.
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7
Christmas 2019
5 years ago
I would add to the "you can only change yourself" thought that you can only change as the Holy Spirit provides grace for this struggle -- and He will. I'll be praying that the reality of the verse hits home for you. These kinds of struggles are so hard, especially when you feel alone in it. I have been there often, and am sure I have many more times to be there...
Wow! Isn't it amazing how God can use our "teaching moments for little ones" to bring a truth home to us? I'm hopeful that you will continue to live out I Peter 5:7. It's something I struggle with...thanks for sharing, Jennifer!
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