It is VBS week ... and, through no fault of my own, I am teaching preschool this year.
I tried to get out of teaching all together ... I signed up to help with the food - which, at our church, is a full meal each night. (Tonight is spaghetti night ... yummy!) I was thrilled...I'd get to do something totally different and then, once the work in the kitchen was finished, I could float around and help in other classes or take pictures, or maybe even go to the adult class.
But, God had other plans.
One of the first teachers to sign up this year was a lady to work with the preschool class, but a few weeks ago she called Ronnie to tell him that she was going to have to be out of town this week for work and wouldn't be able to teach. So we began to look for another teacher, to no avail. One of the perils of being married to the VBS director is that sometimes you get appointed to do something whether you want to or not.
Please don't get me wrong, I love preschoolers! But the last time I taught a preschool class younger than kindergarten, I didn't have any children! I have a hard time figuring out how to relate to small children and this week has been especially challenging because the kids in my class range from one who just turned three to one who is almost six.
Now, lest you think I am just posting this as a reason to complain, let me get to the real point of this post.
I am often guilty of lamenting how fast my children have grown and how much I miss all those stages that we have flown through over the last 12 years. Now it is confession time.
After three nights ...
of taking kids to the bathroom ...
and trying to understand what they are saying ...
and trying to show them how to use a glue stick ...
and trying to get them to listen for more than 30 seconds at a time ...
and trying to remember to only give one instruction at a time ...
and the list could go on and on ...
my eyes have been opened.
I have a whole new appreciation for the ages and stages we have reached with the kids.
Christmas 2019
5 years ago
So I shouldn't be praying that you get to start all over at 42, and then again at 46?!
Yep, know right where you're coming from!
Sorry Max missed this week, I had every intention of bringing him and then life got in the way 3 of the nights so I just didn't. He doesn't know, didn't want to deal with that anquish! Hope y'all are having a productive blessed week!
Hahaha that's quite funny!! :-D
I was feeling a bit broody a few weeks back and the sight of a baby made me feel like I wouldn't mind another one! And then I started remembering the sleepless nights and the colicky crying and had a new appreciation for my older kids that all sleep so well!!
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