I have been all by myself for the last couple of hours. My sweet hubby took all three of our kids to a magic show at a local church tonight.
Thank you, Ronnie for giving me a little time to myself ... it was wonderful.
While at the show, my friend, Marie, asked Ronnie where I was and he told her that I was having a little alone time ... and was probably blogging.
Actually, blogging did cross my mind, but I chose something a little messier instead.
And, in my defense (not that I really need one) it is kind of Marie's fault that I didn't blog tonight. Well, Marie's and Donna's to be exact.
You see, last week at a Mom's meeting with our homeschool group, Marie and Donna invited LB and me to join a co-op that they have started called Keepers at Home. The name pretty much speaks for itself. I loved the idea from the moment they mentioned it to me. Girls and their moms getting together to study the Bible, learn about home making and crafts, and build friendships along the way ... sounds like a winner to me. Besides, I welcome any opportunity to spend time with other moms ... either soaking up ways to homeschool better, or building friendships of my own. On top of all of these good things, the boys were included, too. They played with k'nex and legos while the girls did their thing. It was great to see them hanging out with other boys and enjoying themselves ... especially D, who doesn't get to play with other boys too often.
My friend B said it best ... it is like "showers of blessings" ... and I totally agree.
You may be wondering what any of this has to do with how I chose to spend my time tonight. The answer is simple. This week the girls learned to decoupage. LB did a clipboard. Some of the other girls covered picture frames or wooden letters. All of them seemed to enjoy what they were doing and quite frankly, I wanted to try it out. I have done a few things in the past but hadn't thought about it in awhile, until this week. Tonight, I covered a clipboard in scrapbooking paper and a few other things. Eventually, I'll probably share some pictures of LB's work and maybe mine, too ... but for now, I want to get back to my project.
So, Marie, if you arrived home tonight expecting some really deep and thought provoking post ... I am sorry to disappoint you. But, I did manage to pry my fingers apart long enough to post something and anyway, you only have yourself to blame!
Christmas 2019
5 years ago